The January Brand Kit is here 🎉
We’re kicking off 2023 with a warm, earthy brand that’s approachable and minimalist while still packing a visual punch.
I created the Sophia Brand Kit with an earthy color palette that’s rich and reminds me of a cozy home. The clean script allows readers to scroll for hours and stay hooked, and the minimalist logo variations work for virtually anyone to customize.
The January Brand Kit would be a great fit if you can relate to the BFF or Trusted Advisor brand personalities. So definitely check out the Brand Personality Quiz if you haven’t already!
As for the type of biz I envision using this brand kit, I’d say a yoga instructor, a lifestyle photographer, or an educator. But really, the possibilities are endless 🙂
If there’s one thing we know, it’s that the past few years have been tough for creatives and solopreneurs. And if there’s one thing we believe in, it’s that “Launched is better than perfect.” So, whether you have a side hustle or run a full-time business, it is our hope that our monthly Brand Kits help you launch or upgrade your brand and elevate your online presence.
The Brand Kit of the Month includes the mood board, colors and fonts to make it easy for you to kickstart your online presence and launch a professional-looking business online without a huge investment.

Download your free brand kit and get started building your brand identity now!
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